Teacher Quality Standard 1
Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages). The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s).
Element: C
Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.
Evidence Outcomes
develops instructional materials that are accurate and appropriate for the lesson being taught.
Throughout the “Texture Collage” mini-unit that I created students were guided using google slides, the program that I use to create weekly agendas and lesson plans. Throughout the unit, students explored multiple techniques such as creating rubbings using charcoal, pastel, chalk, colored pencil, and crayon, learned about both contemporary and historical artists, observed the translation from real texture to implied texture, explored collage techniques, and were required to create a written reflection on their final piece of art work.
The lesson plan reflected in the slides demonstrate a series of exercises that lead students to the final project: creating a collage. Students by being introduced to texture- an element they have previously learned about in elementary art. Students are then asked to write down five different textures they can feel around them right now including their desk, their hair, etc. Students are also asked to make a list of all the textures they can think of.
The videos included reflect a level of language that is appropriate for middle schoolers while pushing students to consider how there are textures all around them every day that they might not notice.
After completing their collage, students were asked to complete a reflection including the following questions:
How did you intentionally set up your composition? Explain how you organized the different objects in your composition and why you made those choices.
Explain how you chose the texture samples you did in your collage. Were the samples from objects different from what they became in the collage?
(This question will be altered if used in again, as some students found the wording and concepts difficult)
What do you think is successful in your collage and why?
What did you struggle with while creating your collage?
These questions were created so that students could reflect on their artistic process and what they might do differently or the same next time they create a project like this. The reflection sheets also help the instructor gain an understanding of student’s understanding and knowledge of reflecting on their artwork, as this is a newer group of students that are experiencing the middle school art room for the first time.